wger Workout Manager is build by volunteers, the development process is open and freely accessible to anybody interested. If you are new to the free software world, we recommend to take a look this article which summarizes they way open source projects work very well.

Any kind of contribution is appreciated and welcome. Use this opportunity and influence the direction of the project.

Use the site

Simply use the site and tell your friends how useful it is! ;) . When you find something that you specially liked, could need some improvements or just doesn't work, tell us! This might not sound like much, but is incredibly important!

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Submit exercises

Submit those cool exercises that you absolutely love and do every week but are not in the list yet. If you think some description is too short or some other detail is missing or could be improved, tell!

Only registered users can do this »

Do you want to use wger in your own language? Do you think the current translation could be improved? The translations are easily managed and edited online, if you are interested, go to the transifex site, request access and we will set everything up.

Translate with Transifex »

Obviously, you are highly encouraged to clone the repo and start hacking! Once you are ready, send a pull request and we will show the world. Take a look at the developer guide for more details on this.

Get the code »
Our goal
The goal is to build an awesome and flexible fitness manager, along with a comprehensive and complete list of exercises and ingredients, all released under a free license.